Goedkeuring van uw LNG-schip

Garandeer de compatibiliteit van uw LNG-schepen met de installaties van de terminals Zeebrugge en Duinkerke

Nieuws en persberichten

  • Fluxys LNG - Spot slots on offer for Q1 2025

    Fluxys LNG is offering five boosted slots to unload, store, and regasify LNG cargoes in the Zeebrugge LNG Terminal for Q1 2025.
  • Fluxys LNG - Earlier completion of three additional ORVs deployment

    In the fall of 2023, three additional ORVs were commissioned to increase regasification capacity and further reduce reliance on our conventional systems. The final stage of deployment of the ORVs was scheduled for the beginning of 2026 and would also allow us to increase our regasification capacity by an additional 2.3 GWh/h . Thanks to the efforts of our technical teams we can commission this final phase as of January 1 2025.
  • Fluxys LNG - 3 SABRs on sale via auction for January 2025

    Fluxys LNG will offer three Stand Alone Berthing Rights (“SABRs”) via auction.

    The SABRs are offered for the period starting on the 1st of January 2025 and ending on the 31st of January 2025.


Is mijn LNG-schip al goedgekeurd door de terminal?

Lijst van de goedgekeurde LNG-schepen consulteren:

Duinkerke      Zeebrugge

Reeds goedgekeurd 



Nog niet goedgekeurd


Stuur uw goedkeuringsaanvraag naar DKoperations@dunkerquelng.com.

Meer info over de LNG-schepen goedkeuringsprocedure



Laat uw LNG-schip in 4 stappen goedkeuren

1. Contacteer ons via ship@fluxys.com om het goedkeuringsformulier te krijgen.
2. De Terminal zal met u contact nemen om verschillende documenten uit te wisselen.
3. Een vergadering zal tussen u en de Terminal worden georganiseerd.
4. U zal daarna uw eerste laadoperatie kunnen uitvoeren (1st aanmeerrecht tijdens de daglicht). 

Ook interessant

LNG TerminallingScheduling Services

Unload your LNG in Zeebrugge

LNG from anywhere in the world can be transported and unloaded by LNG ship to Zeebrugge.
LNG TerminallingScheduling Services

Reload your LNG ship in Zeebrugge

LNG stored in tanks at Zeebrugge can be loaded by small or large-scale LNG ships.
LNG TerminallingScheduling Services

Transship your LNG in Zeebrugge

Transfer your LNG from ship to ship at the Zeebrugge LNG terminal

Your point of contact