Available LNG capacities on sale

Available ship capacities

Remaining or additional primary ship slots (unloading, reloading - Stand Alone Berthing Rights) are offered via auctions or subscription windows for which you are informed via publications under the news section on our website and/or via a mailmerge if you are registered as a commercial contact for such communication. In case you want to be informed about this, please contact us via info.LNG@fluxys.com (Zeebrugge) or commercial@dunkerquelng.com (Dunkirk). 

Feel free to also check the Secondary Market page of Emix, our digital LNG Market Place.

After the auction of 3 October 2024 at 10h, the regasification slots of 1 and 24 December are still available and will be allocated on a first committed first served basis. For more information, please consult the news.

Available truck capacities

The following truck loading slots are currently available at the Zeebrugge and Dunkirk LNG terminals.
Click on a colored slot in the truck calendar to see more details about our offer.

Legend :

ALS = Assisted Loading Service
SLS = Self Loading Service
CDS = Cool Down Service
TAS = Truck Approval Service
DAS = Truck Driver Approval Service


LNG bays and jetties are mentioned for simplification purposes only and do not represent a commitment on which loading bay and jetty to use in practice. All timings are expressed in Central European Time (CET).

Tariffs for the Zeebrugge LNG terminal are applicable for the ongoing month and indexed monthly.

Also interesting

Unload, store and regas your LNG

Berth, unload, store and regas your LNG at our terminals in Dunkirk and Zeebrugge.

Dunkirk  Zeebrugge

Unload your LNG

LNG from anywhere in the world can be transported and unloaded by LNG ship to Zeebrugge.


Reload your LNG ship

LNG stored in tanks in Dunkirk and Zeebrugge can be loaded by small or large-scale LNG ships.

Dunkirk  Zeebrugge

Transship your LNG

Transfer your LNG from Ship-to-Ship or Ship-Transshipment Storage-Ship in Zeebrugge.


Liquify (virtually) your gas

Bring LNG to Zeebrugge without needing a ship through the virtual liquefaction of your gas.



Load your LNG in trucks or containers

Load your LNG truck or container in Dunkirk and Zeebrugge at any time.

Dunkirk  Zeebrugge