Subscription Window for Quality Conversion Services H->L


Current Subscription Window

Subscription Window for Quality Conversion services H -> L

You are invited to participate in our new Subscription Window for yearly Quality Conversion Services as from 4 September and until 18 September 2020 - 6 PM.


What can you subscribe?

The offered Quality Conversion Services starting on 1 October 2020 for one Gas Year consist of:

  • Peak Load Gas Quality Conversion Service H->L converting H Natural Gas into L Natural Gas for 1 gas year;
  • Base Load Gas Quality Conversion Service H->L converting H Natural Gas into L Natural Gas for 1 gas year;
  • Seasonal Load Gas Quality Conversion Service H->L converting H Natural Gas into L Natural Gas for 1 gas year.


How can you subscribe?

Fill in this Subscription Form and send it to

The details of the offered services are described in the Terms and Conditions.

You can also consult the Access Code for Transmission.