The European Hydrogen Backbone initiative publishes five potential hydrogen supply corridors to meet Europe’s accelerated 2030 hydrogen goals.
Attracting over 150 participants, the second edition of the Fluxys Forum on 18 March 2019 was a great success. Topic of the day: the role of gas and gas infrastructure in a carbon-neutral future.
• Study published today finds that a smart combination of hydrogen and biomethane with electricity is the optimal way to decarbonise the energy system, with all energy ultimately becoming renewable.
• Using around 2900 TWh or approximately 270 billion cubic metres (natural gas equivalent) of green hydrogen and renewable methane through existing gas infrastructure across the EU saves society €217 billion annually by 2050 compared to an energy system using a minimal amount of gas.
• Substantial hydrogen, biomethane and power to methane production cost reductions are possible.
The Antwerp@C project aims to keep CO2 out of the atmosphere and so to make a significant contribution towards the climate objectives, thanks to applications for capturing and utilising or storing CO2, all within a relatively short time span and at reasonable costs. This week Fluxys, Port of Antwerp, Total and Air Liquide submitted EU subsidy applications for taking the project one step further.
Brussels, 5 February 2019 – Fluxys and Titan LNG have joined forces to build the FlexFueler 002, a bunkering pontoon to make liquefied natural gas (LNG) more widely available as shipping fuel in the Antwerp port and region. The pontoon will be commissioned by the second half of 2020 and support the shipping industry in its switch to cleaner operations. Titan LNG will be the long-term operator of the pontoon.
Capturing CO2 then reusing it or storing it underground is one way to meet climate targets. Under the wings of Smart Delta Resources, a cross-border consortium of companies comprising Fluxys is taking the first step towards using this approach to significantly reduce CO2 emissions in North Sea Port, the Belgian-Dutch area covering the port of Ghent in Belgium and the ports of Terneuzen and Vlissingen in the Netherlands.
Outcome of the new Gas for Climate study Gas Decarbonisation Pathways 2020-2050: 10% binding target for renewable gas and future-proof gas infrastructure crucial to achieve cost efficient decarbonisation
Accelerated EHB network vision by 2030 in response to European Commission’s REPowerEU communication and call to greater action on climate protection and European energy system resilience. European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) network grows by more than 110% since initial launch one and a half years ago – expanded members present vision for approximately 53,000 km hydrogen pipeline infrastructure in 28 European countries by 2040. The Backbone is expected to be made up of ~60%-40% repurposed natural gas versus new pipelines in 2040. Digital, interactive vision maps published as part of new EHB website later in April
Following previous proposals in other regions, Fluxys is today asking industrial stakeholders to express their interest in connecting to open access hydrogen infrastructure in Charleroi.
Fluxys LNG has 1 remaining SABR on sale form the month of August 2024 after the auction of 18 July 2024 at 10h.
The slot will be allocated on a first committed first served basis.
Synergrid organiseert een openbare raadpleging van het Standaard Aansluitingscontract (samenwerkingsovereenkomst) tussen Fluxys Belgium en de DNB.
Synergrid organise une consultation publique sur le Contrat Standard de Raccordement (convention de collaboration) entre Fluxys Belgium et le GRD.
The Transmission System Operators at the borders with Denmark, the Netherlands (H-Gas & L-Gas), Belgium and Czech Republic would like to inform you about the current status (16.10.2020) of the VIP implementation.
FluxSwiss is offering transportation capacities North-South and South-North in the routes Wallbach – Gries Pass and Gries Pass – Wallbach on a Firm basis for the Month of June 2024.
FluxSwiss doesn't have available transportation capacities North-South and South-North for the Month of July 2024 due to the impact of maintenances on Transitgas as well as on the adjacent systems.
A group of eleven European gas infrastructure companies including Fluxys Belgium presents a plan for a dedicated hydrogen transport infrastructure. New research shows that existing gas infrastructure can be modified to transport hydrogen at an affordable cost.
Today, the Gas for Climate consortium publishes its hydrogen legislation paper. This paper groups together the vision of 11 Gas Transmission System Operators (TSOs) on how EU legislation can help to create a dedicated hydrogen pipeline infrastructure across Europe.
Antwerp@C, an initiative of Air Liquide, BASF, Borealis, ExxonMobil, INEOS, TotalEnergies, Fluxys and the Port of Antwerp has the ambition to support industries’ efforts towards a 50% CO2 emissions’ reduction within the Port of Antwerp, Belgium, by 2030 through the creation of a common CO2 infrastructure. With the start of engineering studies, the project has now reached a new milestone to achieve more sustainable, lower-carbon operations around the Port of Antwerp.
With this support, Antwerp@C reaches a new milestone and is strengthened in its ambition to reduce the CO2 emissions within the port potentially by half between now and 2030.
Neighborhood becomes strategic partnership: Dow, one of the world's leading material sciences companies, is taking a minority stake in the Hanseatic Energy Hub GmbH. The existing consortium comprising Fluxys, Partners Group and Buss Group is planning to build an import terminal for liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the Stade Industrial Park.
Today, Fluxys and OQGN signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly explore a strategic cooperation in the development of hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure projects in Oman. Today was also the day of the first listing of the OQGN shares at the Muscat Stock Exchange in Oman. Fluxys has acquired a 4.9% stake in OQGN as an anchor investor as part of the stock market introduction of OQGN.