Fluxys LNG will offer three Stand Alone Berthing Rights (“SABRs”) via auction.
The SABRs are offered for the period starting on the 1st of January 2025 and ending on the 31st of January 2025.
Your enthusiasm and interest for our Truck Loading activity in Zeebrugge has been overwhelming. The 8000 available slots for 2022 and 2023 are now fully sold out.
If you still want to purchase slots for 2022 or 2023 in Zeebrugge, this is only possible on the secondary market by contacting other truck loading companies directly or via EMIX.
In our continuous effort to enable increased LNG supply into Europe, Fluxys LNG is happy to announce it will be offering 13 additional primary Slots to unload,
store and regasify 13 LNG cargoes in the Zeebrugge LNG Terminal in 2023. Take the opportunity to supply Europe with your LNG!
In our continuous effort to enable increased LNG supply into Europe, Fluxys LNG is happy to announce it will be offering 26 additional primary Slots to unload,
store and regasify 26 LNG cargoes in the Zeebrugge LNG Terminal in 2025. Take the opportunity to supply Europe with your LNG!
In our continuous effort to enable increased LNG supply into Europe, Fluxys LNG is happy to announce it will be offering 11 additional primary Slots to unload,
store and regasify 11 LNG cargoes in the Zeebrugge LNG Terminal in 2024. Take the opportunity to supply Europe with your LNG!
We decided to extend current Scheduling Congestion Period as from Monday 20th of November.
Fluxys LNG is offering five boosted slots to unload, store, and regasify LNG cargoes in the Zeebrugge LNG Terminal for Q1 2025.
Fluxys LNG has 2 remaining SABRs on sale form the month of February 2025 after the auctions of 23 January 2025 at 10h.
The slots will be allocated on a first committed first served basis.
From December 6th to December 19th 2025, Fluxys organized a subscription window to offer Long Term Golden Standard Bundled Units (SBU) for periods starting 1st April 2026 and lasting up to 10 Storage Years. Additionally, seasonal and quarterly Priority Booster Capacity (PBC) were offered to enhance the firm injection and withdrawal capacities included in the offered Golden SBUs for the same period.
In line with our offering, since January 6th 2025, the remaining Golden Standard Bundled Units (SBU) are available to the market on a First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) basis.
Looking for LNG opportunities ?
The following ship and truck capacities are currently available for sale at the Zeebrugge and Dunkirk LNG terminals.
FluxSwiss is offering transportation capacities North-South in the route Wallbach – Gries Pass and South-North in the route Gries Pass – Oltingue on a Firm basis for the Month of February 2025.
In order to support the commercial processes of our clients in the Zeebrugge terminal, Fluxys LNG developed "EMIX", a fully digital LNG Market Place.
After the Subscription Window of November 2021 for Additional Storage Service, you can now take the opportunity to secure your Long Term BioLNG capacities at our Zeebrugge LNG terminal by participating in our new Subscription Window as from 9 until 23 December 2021.
Take the opportunity to secure your Long Term BioLNG capacities at our Zeebrugge LNG terminal by participating in our new Subscription Window as from 5 until 16 December 2022 3PM Belgian time.
FluxSwiss is offering transportation capacities North-South direction in the route Wallbach – Gries Pass on a Firm basis for the Month of March 2023.
FluxSwiss is offering transportation capacities North-South in the route Wallbach – Gries Pass and South-North in the route Gries Pass – Oltingue on a Firm basis for the Month of March 2025.
Fluxys LNG is offering one boosted slot to unload, store, and regasify LNG cargoes in the Zeebrugge LNG Terminal for April 2025.
FluxSwiss is offering transportation capacities North-South direction in the route Wallbach – Gries Pass on a Firm basis for the Month of April 2023.
FluxSwiss is offering transportation capacities North-South direction in the route Wallbach – Gries Pass on a Firm basis for the Month of February 2023.
FluxSwiss is offering transportation capacities North-South direction in the route Wallbach – Gries Pass on a Firm basis for the Month of January 2023.