Fluxys Belgium is commercializing Storage Capacity for 2022-2023

Fluxys Belgium will offer 247 272 Golden SBUs or 7,5 TWh via an auction on Tuesday 22 February 2022.

Important: in order to maximize the product value, Priority Booster Capacities will be integrated into the Golden SBUs. This means that interruptible injection and withdrawal capacities will be allocated on top of the Golden SBUs' firm capacities. More information can be found in the Terms and Conditions.

Golden SBU Speed (excl. interruptible capacities): 132/84
Golden SBU Speed (incl. interruptible capacities): 100/64

Auction Details

• Date: 22 February 2022
• Time: 10:00 AM, Brussels time
• Product offered: 247 272 Golden SBUs
• Duration: One (1) Storage Year (01/04/2022 – 31/03/2023)
• Reserve price: €1,70/MWh

How can you take part in the auction?

Given that the modifications in the Gas Law (enabling Fluxys Belgium to offer storage services at a reserve price lower than the regulated price) officially have been published on 16 February 2022, the deadline for submitting the registration documents for the auction window on 22 February 2022 is extended until Friday 18 February 2022, 12:00 PM.

In order to take part in this auction, you must provide the following documents 5 Business Days prior to the auction at the latest:

Bids can be submitted on Fluxys Belgium Storage Auction website. The website URL together with a log in and password will be sent by email to the Bidder after the signed terms and conditions (including power of attorney) have been analyzed by the storage operator.

Please note that Fluxys Belgium may terminate or change the process described above prior to the auction. In this case, participants will be informed in due time.

More information?

Feel free to contact our Key Account Managers or send your questions to info.storage@fluxys.com