Price simulator


    Please note that the information in the Price Simulator and its results are indicative and not legally binding.
    The Price Simulator is presented for support and information purposes only. The prices resulting from the use of the Price Simulator are not to be considered as contractual offers or a basis for contesting invoices of Fluxys Belgium, Fluxys TENP, Fluxys Deutschland or Interconnector.

    Under no circumstances may Fluxys Belgium, Fluxys TENP, Fluxys Deutschland or Interconnector be held liable for the information provided by this Price Simulator or for the use of such information.

    The calculated prices are presented before tax and with rounding applied. When the tariffs are not known yet (e.g. 2026) the last available tariffs are used for the simulation, so when you simulate a price for a period beyond 2026 the result is based on the tariffs of 2025 without any indexation.