Market Information on storage levy

On 1 October 2022, the market area manager Trading Hub Europe (THE) will invoice the balancing group managers for the first time for the storage levy. This levy will be charged on all SLP, RLM, and physical exit quantities at cross-border interconnection points and virtual interconnection points (VIP). Exit points at gas storage facilities are excluded from this levy. See § 35e EnWG and the latest version of the BDEW guideline "Marktprozesse Bilanzkreismanagement Gas Teil 1".

The processes required for this regulation provides that the balancing group manager must first conclude an appropriately marked balancing group (balancing group exempt from storage levy) with THE and that shippers allocate their capacities at exit points at gas storage facilities to this balancing group exempt from storage levy so that these quantities are not subject to the storage levy.

THE plans to allocate these new balancing group codes for 15 August 2022.

The processes of the transmission system operators (TSOs) are also affected by this measure. For the purpose of booking exit points at gas storage facilities (discounted/non-discounted), the balancing group exempt from storage levy must be made available on the capacity booking platforms for the shipper. This requires that the balancing group manager or shipper notifies the TSO of these balancing groups beforehand. The implementation of the balancing group exempt from storage levy must be completed as soon as possible, by 29 September 2022 at the latest. Capacity contracts that have already been concluded at exit points at gas storage facilities before 1 October 2022 and that run beyond this period must also be included in the new balancing group exempt from storage surcharges.