Fluxys Belgium - Market Consultation 67: Update for L-gas market zone and connection agreement operational annexes


Participate in our market consultation that will take place from 21 March 2024 to 22 April 2024. The following changes are introduced in the regulatory documents:

  1. Introducing the required changes accompanying the new configuration of the L-gas market zone after the end of the L-gas to H-gas conversion
  2. Introducing a new obligation on the TSO to inform in advance the relevant end users in case a local producer connects to the grid
  3. Clarification of applicable quality specifications and responsibilities following previous consultation 66

The following document summarizes the proposed changes: Summary Note Consultation 67

An online info session was given on Friday March 29th as from 10h30.

Info Session - slides



Documents in consultation (with track changes):


You are kindly invited to send your written comments to marketing@fluxys.com by 22 April 2024 before 17:00 CET.

Please mention in your response whether the content is to be treated as confidential or not. Unless otherwise specified, all comments will be treated as non-confidential.