FZK entry

Firm Freely Allocable Entry Capacity



Book this capacity to transport your gas from the Dutch trading platform TTF, the Belgian ZTP or the British hub NBP to the German market area THE for trading at the VTP THE.


  • Trade your gas at the VTP THE.
  • Freely allocable capacity: access all bookable points within the entire market area THE.

Available at the following cross-border interconnection points:

  • VIP TTF-THE-H (marketed by Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services GmbH): connection with the Dutch trading platform TTF.
  • VIP THE-ZTP (marketed by Open Grid Europe GmbH): connection with the Belgian ZTP and the British hub NBP.


How to book this product?

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Use PRISMA to book this service 

Not yet a customer at Fluxys TENP?
How to become a Fluxys TENP shipper

Ook interessant

THE (DE)Vervoer


Transport your gas flexibly. Trade it at the VTP THE and between the most important gas hubs and gas trading points in Europe.
ZTP (BE - LUX)VervoerScheduling Services

Ingangs- en uitgangscapaciteit op interconnectiepunten - België

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