Fluxys Belgium market consultation 61

Market Consultation 61: Changes in Regulatory Documents

From 30 January to 17 February, Fluxys Belgium is organizing a market consultation on the regulatory documents applicable for transmission with a focus on:

  1. Changes to the Standard Transmission Agreement, Access Code for Transmission and Transmission Program
    a. Increasing the maximum O2 level for Domestic Point of Injection
    b. Reallocation Service for Operational Capacity Usage Commitments and discontinue the offer for Operational Capacity Usage Commitment Services
    c. Extend the criteria to offer interruptible capacity to match NC CAM
    d. Align Attachment F “Plan for Incident management” with new federal emergency plan.
    e. Validity date Bank Guarantee, at least 3 months in the future
    f. Technical changes

  2. Changes to the Standard Connection Agreement End User
    a. Reference to SOS Regulation, implement measures provided in the new federal emergency plan and adaptations following CREG decision on new Code of Conduct

  3. Changes to the annexes to the Standard Connection Agreement Local Producer
    a. Technical changes

    The following document summarizes the proposed changes: Summary note
    Documents in consultation (with track changes):
    Standard Transmission Agreement
    Transmission Program
    Access Code for Transmission Attachment A
    Access Code for Transmission Attachment B
    • Access Code for Transmission Attachment C4
    Access Code for Transmission Attachment E
    Access Code for Transmission Attachment F
    Standard Connection Agreement for End User (FR)
    Standard Connection Agreement for End User (NL)
    Annexes to the Standard Connection Agreement for Local Producer (FR)
    Annexes to the Standard Connection Agreement for Local Producer (NL)

You are kindly invited to send your written comments to marketing@fluxys.com by Friday February 17th 2023 close of business.

Please specify in your response, whether the content is to be treated as confidential or not. Unless otherwise mentioned, all comments will be treated as non-confidential.

Huidige status van de consultatie

Step 1 finished
Uitnodiging om deel te nemen Herziening na commentaren Goedkeuring CREG Aangepaste documenten



Het Consultatierapport (enkel in het Engels) geeft een overzicht van de voornaamste commentaren: Consultatierapport 61


CREG Beslissing

De beslissing (B)2551 is gepubliceerd op de CREG website (in het Nederlands).