Capacity conversion

Bundle your unbundled capacity


Product description

Bundle unbundled capacity

Do you have unbundled Fluxys capacity at an interconnection point? Do you want to buy unbundled capacity at that interconnection point from the neighbouring Transmission System Operator (TSO) to align your portfolio on either side of the interconnection point but the supply of unbundled capacity from the neighbouring TSO isn't enough or only bundled capacity is provided?

No problem. You can use the capacity conversion service to align the capacity on either side of the interconnection point by buying new bundled capacity by quoting your existing capacity contract. The side for which you already have capacity in your portfolio isn't allocated and therefore isn't charged for (except an auction premium where appropriate).


Which capacities and services can you bundle?

  • Entry capacity
  • Exit capacity

More details about bundling capacities and services.



How to book?

  • You can use PRISMA to book bundled capacity at the yearly, quarterly, monthly or daily (day-ahead) auction.
  • All you need to do during the auction is quote the contract reference of the capacity you already have in your portfolio. You can do this directly in the PRISMA auction screen. Be aware that Fluxys is not allowing any ex-post conversion.
  • The amount of new bundled capacity that you are going to book has to be equal or lower than the unbundled capacity that you want to convert at Fluxys side. If you want to buy more, you have to do it in separate bids.
  • The unbundled capacity in your portfolio will be automatically bundled with the new capacity bought on the other side. The remaining capacity will be cancelled. 


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