Energy Identification Code (EIC)

What is an EIC code ?

The EIC codes are used for the official and unambiguous identification of the actors (TSO, Shipper, Trader, Producer, Exchange platform operator, ...) and points (IP, GEL, balancing zone, domestic outlet, ..).

The idea is to harmonize and standardize electronic communication through unique energy identification codes that are used on the ENTSO-E and ENTSOG Transparency platforms, in AS2 and AS4 communications, in Edig@s messages, for Remit and PRISMA.

EIC reference manual and all other EIC documentation can be found on ENTSO-E dedicated webpage. Only EIC codes published on the websites of the Central Issuing Office (CIO - ENTSO-E's Secretariat) or Local Issuing Offices across Europe (LIOs - Electricity and Gas Transmission Operators along with third party associations) are to be considered as valid EIC codes.


What does it look like?

An EIC is a unique 16-character identification code of market participants and other entities active in the internal energy market in Europe. The use of EIC is the most common practice in electronic messages exchanges between gas market parties.

The code consists of :

  • 2 characters for the local issuing office or LIO (Fluxys = 57)
  • 1 character which describes whether it concerns a market participant (operator, trader, balancing party) (X), a balancing zone (Y), an entry or exit point (Z), for production, storage or an LNG facility (W).
  • 12 characters for identification
  • 1 control character generated by a logical algorithm to validate the code


What is the role of Fluxys ?

Fluxys is LIO and has to :

  • Grant local EIC codes and manage them
  • Ensure that the code assigned is unique
  • Publish the list of EIC codes (locally) on a website in a downloadable format with additional information concerning the EIC code (e.g. VAT number,..)
  • Delete unused EIC codes
  • Maintain confidentiality

Consult the EIC code list for IP’s and domestic points for Belgium


The CIO (Central Issuing Office = ENTSO-E) and LIO’s (Local Issuing Offices) are responsible for the registration, issuance and publication of EIC Codes within the energy market.

The International published list of EIC codes can be found on ENTSO-E.

CIO may ask for additional information or copies of official documents in order to validate the request e.g. ownership of VAT code etc. In case the requested EIC code is shared (owned) by multiple parties, a confirmation by all parties may be required e.g. by e-mail. This is typically the case for EIC codes for (inter)connection points between transmission system operators or transmission system operators and other system operators.


How can I apply for an EIC code?

You can apply by filling in this form

Fluxys as LIO assume no responsibility or liability for the accuracy and the completeness of the information provided by an entity requesting an EIC code. In no event shall Fluxys be liable for any damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, general, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of any inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information provided by an entity requesting an EIC code.

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