Maintenance FluxSwiss

Maintenance Works in 2024

Due to the maintenance activities planned by Transitgas during calendar year 2024, FluxSwiss' technical capacities will be impacted as follows (the percentages indicating the total transportable capacity after the reduction on the relevant route).

Full tables can be also visualized via the Excel version.


Forward Flow

Reverse Flow

Please note that some periods with 100% firm available capacity may be displayed in the tables above even though redundant from a maintenance perspective.

This is meant to provide the market with an overview of the overall situation on the Transitgas system on every day when there is at least one route affected by maintenance.

FluxSwiss reserves the right to modify the affected periods and the relevant capacity restrictions, in compliance with applicable contractual provisions and promptly inform its customers and the market in case of changes. For more information, please email to:

(*) = competing capacity limited to 69%

See previous versions of the maintenance schedule:

Publication of 28 March 2023

Publication of 13 January 2023

Publication of 31 May 2022

Publication of 13 January 2022

Publication of 17 September 2021

Publication of 13 January 2021

Publication of 7 September 2020

Publication of 10 July 2020

Publication of 29 May 2020

Publication of 29 January 2020

Publication of 15 January 2020