Fluxys Deutschland Transmission

Products overview

  • FZK

    Firm freely allocable capacity

    Book this capacity to transport your gas from the LNG entry point Baltic Energy Gate - Fluxys to the Virtual Trading Point of the German market area THE (Trading Hub Europe) for trading at the VTP THE.


    • Trade your gas at the VTP THE.

    • Freely allocable capacity: access all bookable points within the entire market area THE.


  • DZK Entry to DZK5 Entry

    Firm dynamically allocable capacity

    Book this entry capacity and transport your gas via the cross-border interconnection point Lubmin II to the Virtual Trading Point of the German market area THE (Trading Hub Europe) and further to the most important gas trading hubs in Europe.

    Possible combinations of the products DZK Entry to DZK5 Entry are listed in Annex 4 STC.

    For these combinations a use of DZK Entry to DZK5 Entry is possible on a firm basis, provided that the conditions in accordance with Section 9 Paragraph 3 GTC are met.

  • uFZK

    Interruptible capacity

    Booking this entry capacity enables you to transport your gas to trade it at the Virtual Trading Point of the German Market Area THE (Trading Hub Europe) and further transport it to the most important gas trading hubs in Europe.

    Fluxys Deutschland may interrupt the use of interruptible capacity anytime.


    • Interruptible capacity can be converted into firm capacity during the ongoing PRISMA auctions for firm capacities.

    • Available at the entry LNG- and cross-border interconnection points of Fluxys Deutschland.


Book the products

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Calculation of the technical capacities of Fluxys Deutschland GmbH

According to Art. 20 (1b) EnWG, German Transmission System Operators are obliged to determine the Entry and Exit capacities. Below you will find a description of the methodology used by Fluxys Deutschland GmbH to calculate the technical transport capacities.
