Golden Standard Bundled Unit


  • Fluxys Belgium: Reminder - Opening of FCFS Period for Long-Term SBU Offering

    From December 6th to December 19th 2025, Fluxys organized a subscription window to offer Long Term Golden Standard Bundled Units (SBU) for periods starting 1st April 2026 and lasting up to 10 Storage Years. Additionally, seasonal and quarterly Priority Booster Capacity (PBC) were offered to enhance the firm injection and withdrawal capacities included in the offered Golden SBUs for the same period.
    In line with our offering, since January 6th 2025, the remaining Golden Standard Bundled Units (SBU) are available to the market on a First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) basis.

Product description

A golden Standard Bundled Unit (SBU) is a storage package with the following characteristics: 

The golden SBU is designed to enhance the flexibility of the storage product to its maximum in order to seize every market opportunity.

Booking Info

Long term golden SBUs (≥ 2 Years):

  • For sale during subscription window
  • Regulated tariff
  • Availability

Short term golden SBUs (1 Year):

  • For sale during auction window
  • Starting at the reserve price
  • Availability

Want to inject/withdraw your gas faster?

Thanks to the Booster, you can nominate more than your subscribed SBU capacities by using unused capacities. The Booster allows you to inject/withdraw faster into/from the Loenhout Storage facility. 

Unused capacity is:

  • Injection and withdrawal capacity of other storage users that is not used at that moment; 
  • Additional injection and withdrawal capacity made available on the market on a short-term basis due to the storage facility’s physical characteristics. 

Want to get priority on the unused injection and withdrawal capacities?

It is possible thanks to the Priority Booster.

Golden SBU

Standard Bundled Units (SBU)
Golden SBU

Good to know 

  • If the demand (via nominations) exceeds the available unused capacity:
        - The unused capacity will first be allocated proportionally to the storage users who subscribed Priority Booster capacities;
        - The remaining unused capacity (if any) will then be allocated proportionally to the storage users who subscribed Booster capacities.
  • In case you have nominated more than your subscribed golden SBU and Priority Booster capacities, only the used quantities will be invoiced at the end of the month. For each day of the concerned month, the maximum hourly unused capacity allocated to you will be charged for the full day at the firm injection or withdrawal tariff.



  • At an operational level, reductions on injection and withdrawal rates depend on the filling level:

Auch interessant

ZTP (BE - LUX)StorageScheduling Services

Priority Booster

Get priority on the available unused capacity on a daily basis with a maximum of the subscribed amount for that period.

ZTP (BE - LUX)StorageScheduling Services

Gas in storage Exceeding (GIS Exceeding)

Exceed your subscribed volumes up to a maximum of 106% of your storage volume.
ZTP (BE - LUX)StorageScheduling Services

Gas in Storage Transfer (GIS Transfer)

Transfer your stored natural gas to another storage user.

ZTP (BE - LUX)StorageScheduling Services

Booking Calendar

Looking for Storage opportunities?
The following golden Standard Bundled Units (SBU) and Priority Booster capacities are for sale at Loenhout Storage facility as from storage year 2022-2023.
ZTP (BE - LUX)StorageScheduling Services

Storage Data

Data about the booked and available storage service and the filling rate of the storage facility.

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