Capacity booking
Range of booking methods
- PRISMA* auction & FCFS
- Implicit Allocation with Broker partners for Interconnector
- Buy directly from FluxSwiss, Dunkerque LNG and Zeebrugge LNG
- Storage products available through FCFS, auctions and subscription windows from Fluxys Belgium
- Standard Transmission products available across the Fluxys Group
Gas Year, Quarter, Month, Day-Ahead, Within-Day Auction Calendar
- Non-standard Transmission products available
From Interconnector, FluxSwiss and from Fluxys BE in the Zeebrugge area
- LNG terminalling capacities available: regulated (Zeebrugge) and exempted (Dunkerque)
*PRISMA is the Central European Capacity Platform for booking capacity. If PRISMA is unavailable, then overnomination is the back-up procedure used across the Fluxys Group to allow shippers to book capacities.