

Products & Services

Transmission Services

Customers can secure with us capacity in the Transitgas pipeline for transporting gas from border-to-border through Switzerland.

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About FluxSwiss

We are a transmission system operator in the Transitgas pipeline, marketing approx. 90% of capacity in the system for border-to-border gas flows. We combine our expertise with close customer interaction to provide high-level services for their supplies into Italy or Northwest Europe. As a Fluxys group company it is our mission to contribute to a sustainable energy future and our passionate teams secure reliable and affordable energy flows into the market.

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Transitgas Pipeline

Pivotal North-South link

The Transitgas pipeline is a key interconnector between the Northwest European and Italian gas markets. The system enables border-to-border gas flows in both directions between the Italian, German and French gas systems as well as flows from Germany, France and Italy for supplying the Swiss market.

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