Secondary trading
BookDescription du produit
- Exclusively available on PRISMA secondary.
- Trade your capacity directly with other shippers.
Three trading options possible:
- OTC: trade with a known partner.
- FCFS: trade with the first partner who accepts your trade.
- CFO: choose between several partner the one who meets your requirements
- Easily sell and buy unused capacity
- Agree upfront with your trading partner, or
- Choose between several trading partners
Available combinations: depending on the traded product.
How to book this product?
Already a customer at Fluxys TENP?
You can use Prisma to book this service
Not yet a customer at Fluxys TENP?
How to become a Fluxys TENP shipper
Useful links for you
- Become-a-shipper-at-fluxys-tenpBecome a Transmission shipper
- TandC_Fluxys-TENPTerms & Conditions
- Tariff_Fluxys_TENPTariffs
- price-calculatorPrice Simulator
- TENP-maintenanceMaintenance
- Welcome to the Fluxys Electronic Data PlatformElectronic Data Platform
- Transparency RequirementsExigences de transparence
Your point of contact
- Commercial Team