Call for Market Interest for CO₂ exit points

As from June 2024, Fluxys, with the respective project partners, is running a Call for Market Interest regarding the CO₂ exit points.

Fluxys is committed to anticipating market needs to meet decarbonisation targets. With the CO₂ exit points that are being developed in Antwerp, Ghent and Zeebrugge, Fluxys intends to offer the market solutions to enable the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) value chain. Fluxys will be an essential asset for market players willing to project their current business into the future. Considering this, Fluxys invites all interested parties to specify their interest in the exit points through a Call for Market Interest. From these exit points, the CO₂ can be transported to permanent storages.

The market response to this Call for Market Interest will allow Fluxys to assess the overall level and nature of interest. In a next step, bilateral exchanges will be executed in which first technical/commercial considerations can be addressed.

Exit points from Belgium towards e.g. the United Kingdom or the Netherlands are not yet listed as specific exit points due to the lack of project maturity. However, we would welcome your interest in those or other exit points by filling in the form “Other exit points” in order to mature these projects based on market interest.

How to participate

To participate in the Call for Market Interest, interested parties are kindly requested to fill out one or multiple registration forms (one for each exit point). Thereafter Fluxys will contact participants to sign an NDA and to share more information regarding the project(s) of interest.

Antwerp@C terminal

Ghent Carbon Hub terminal

Zeebrugge CO₂ terminal

Other exit points “as per request by emitter”

For any other associated inquiries, an email can be sent to

Non-binding request

The Call for Market Interest is non-binding: completing the request does not engage your company to any future service of Fluxys.

Registration should be done at the latest by July 12th 2024.

Vous souhaitez plus d'informations ?
Prenez contact et construisez un avenir sans CO₂.