Today, the Gas for Climate consortium publishes its hydrogen legislation paper. This paper groups together the vision of 11 Gas Transmission System Operators (TSOs) on how EU legislation can help to create a dedicated hydrogen pipeline infrastructure across Europe.
Antwerp@C, an initiative of Air Liquide, BASF, Borealis, ExxonMobil, INEOS, TotalEnergies, Fluxys and the Port of Antwerp has the ambition to support industries’ efforts towards a 50% CO2 emissions’ reduction within the Port of Antwerp, Belgium, by 2030 through the creation of a common CO2 infrastructure. With the start of engineering studies, the project has now reached a new milestone to achieve more sustainable, lower-carbon operations around the Port of Antwerp.
With this support, Antwerp@C reaches a new milestone and is strengthened in its ambition to reduce the CO2 emissions within the port potentially by half between now and 2030.
Neighborhood becomes strategic partnership: Dow, one of the world's leading material sciences companies, is taking a minority stake in the Hanseatic Energy Hub GmbH. The existing consortium comprising Fluxys, Partners Group and Buss Group is planning to build an import terminal for liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the Stade Industrial Park.
Today, Fluxys and OQGN signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly explore a strategic cooperation in the development of hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure projects in Oman. Today was also the day of the first listing of the OQGN shares at the Muscat Stock Exchange in Oman. Fluxys has acquired a 4.9% stake in OQGN as an anchor investor as part of the stock market introduction of OQGN.
Fluxys LNG is offering a Slot to unload, store and regasify an LNG cargo in the Zeebrugge LNG Terminal, starting on 1 August 2024.
Fluxys LNG has 1 remaining unloading slot on sale on 01 August 2024 after the auction of 23 May 2024 at 10h.
The slot will be allocated on a first committed first served basis.
Following the successful launch of the first version of Emix – a digital Market Place for LNG and underground gas storage services - Fluxys now developed an advanced version of Emix.
Fluxys LNG is offering a Slot to unload, store and regasify a LNG cargo in the Zeebrugge LNG Terminal, starting on 26 May 2024.
As from 2nd of April 2024 to 23rd of April 2024, you are invited to participate in our market consultation on LNG terminalling regulatory documents.
From May 21st until June 7th 2024, Dunkerque LNG is running a request for interest regarding its Small Scale services.
The recent Auction Window where Additional Volume and Priority Booster Capacity was offered for the storage years 2024-2025 to the market ended successfully yesterday on 5 March 2024.
Es können Gebote für Erdgas (H-Gas) und auch für Biogas abgegeben werden.
Der Lieferzeitraum dauert vom 01. Januar 2024, 06:00 Uhr bis zum 01. Juli 2024, 06:00 Uhr.
Fluxys TENP GmbH schreibt eine geschätzte Gesamtmenge in Höhe von 207.000 MWh Erdgas (H-Gas) und 17.468 MWh Biogas aus.
Interessierte Bieter können ihre Gebote spätestens bis zum 27. November 2023 um 14:00 Uhr abgeben.
Fluxys TENP GmbH schreibt eine geschätzte Gesamtmenge in Höhe von 207.000 MWh Erdgas (H-Gas) und 19.435 MWh Biogas aus.
Der Lieferzeitraum dauert vom 01. Juli 2024, 06:00 Uhr bis zum 01. Januar 2025, 06:00 Uhr.
Interessierte Bieter können ihre Gebote spätestens bis zum 28. Mai 2024 um 14:00 Uhr abgeben.
Die Präqualifikationsphase für beide Ausschreibungen endet am 22. Mai 2024 um 14:00 Uhr.
Für das Marktgebiet Trading Hub Europe (THE) haben die Fernleitungsnetzbetreiber auf Basis der Festlegung „Genehmigung der Neuberechnung des Referenzpreises für das Jahr 2023 (REGENT-Neuberechnung 2023)“, BK9-22/615 der Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) das Netzentgelt ab dem 01.01.2023 erneut berechnet.
Interconnector has today published the latest version of its Charging Statement which includes the Annual Tariff Publication and Commodity Charge formulae for Gas Year 2024-25
Interconnector has today published the latest version of its Charging Statement effective from 21st December 2023.
The Interconnector Commodity Charge will be referenced to NBP DA EEX from 2nd April 2024 onwards
Fluxys LNG will offer 1 Stand Alone Berthing Rights (“SABRs”) in an auction.
The SABR is offered for the period starting on the 1st of January 2024 and ending on the 31st of January 2024.
Given the importance of the cross-border BBL-pipeline within the energy transition, Fluxys and Gasunie have jointly agreed to purchase co-owner Uniper’s 20% stake in the pipeline company. Fluxys now holds 25% and Gasunie 75% of BBL. This transaction took place after Gasunie and Fluxys executed their pre-emption rights. BBL company owns and operates a 235-kilometer bi-directional gas pipeline between Balgzand in the Netherlands and Bacton in Great Britain.