
Working together to boost digital innovation at Fluxys

One team, One target! All Fluxys talents are working as one team to achieve our goal: a cleaner energy future. We are putting energy in motion, together. We are doing this today by making the best use of our current infrastructure and talents. At the same time, we are also laying the foundations for tomorrow, for a greener future.

A future in which molecules other than natural gas will provide us with energy. Our organisation's digital transformation is a key driver of the energy transition. How can we leverage the digital world, one that is opening up ever more opportunities for innovation, to prepare our services, infrastructure and working methods for a sustainable future?

First of all, we help our employees develop their digital skills and knowledge and, above all, kindle their interest in being innovative. We do this by working with digital coaches, providing training and sharing inspiring case studies with all our employees, for instance.

The Accelerator, our digital innovation hub, goes even further, allowing our talents to seek out-of-the-box solutions that can help achieve our goal. In the Accelerator, temporary, multidisciplinary teams tackle the challenges of the future, one by one. Each team spends six months working on one challenge. They apply the principles of agile and design thinking, each time with a fresh perspective and working closely with end users. The teams create, test and deliver tangible solutions that are ready to be rolled out within the organisation. In doing so, they are boosting Fluxys' digital transformation and contributing to the energy transition that we want to make a reality.

Would you also like to use your talent in an innovative organisation that is helping to build a greener future?

Accelerator video



I've noticed a change in mindset. Employees are increasingly coming to me off their own bat with suggestions for improvement.
Jan Van de Vyver I Deputy director installations & grid
Sponsor of Accelerator team ‘sea porters’

Challenges & solutions

  • Digital twin

    The 'twin4life' team is figuring out how to build a 'digital twin' of the Fluxys network that allows for the simulation and testing of gas flow plans before implementation.

  • Energy management

    As part of the renewal of Fluxys' energy contract, the 'power rangers' developed a tool and process to monitor, predict and optimise energy consumption.

  • Intuitive traffic

    The 'magnets' team is anticipating the renovation of our headquarters in Brussels and the implementation of a new way of working that comes with that. They are looking for an intuitive and simple solution to guide people to a suitable and available workplace.

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    The 'fluxybles' team reviewed the onboarding process from the point of view of a new employee and their manager. They developed an onboarding app to enable new Fluxys employees to integrate more quickly and easily into our company and to boost their engagement from the start.

  • Repurposing simulation

    The topology of our network is becoming increasingly complex and variable, especially in light of the use of new molecules. We need to adapt our way of working accordingly. Team 'delorean' is investigating how to accelerate simulations of the impact of changes in our pipeline network on its capacity.

  • Safety culture

    Team 'culture club' is seeking a way to continuously measure, analyse and communicate safety, well-being and engagement within Fluxys.

  • Ship planning

    The 'sea porters' set out to find digital solutions to boost the efficiency of the intensive scheduling of incoming ships at the Zeebrugge terminal. They successfully developed and tested two tools that fulfil this objective.

  • bioLNG icon
    Small scale LNG

    The 'imagineers' were challenged to develop a solution that could advance the market of small-scale (bio)LNG (fuel for trucks, ships or industry). They successfully developed and tested an online marketplace bringing together sellers, buyers and all logistics and commercial processes.

    The Emix platform has now been fully integrated into our client services tools.

  • Energy consumption

    The 'eco watchers' are looking for a digital solution that can help reduce the energy costs and emissions of our network while guaranteeing operational continuity.

For me, the dynamics within an Accelerator team are remarkably inspiring!
Anne Vander Schueren I HR Director
Sponsor of ‘fluxybles’, the first Accelerator team
Help shape the energy transition?
We are always looking for talent at Fluxys to collaborate on our digital innovations and help build a bright energy future.