Fluxys Belgium market consultation 34

Consultation 34 - Invitation to comment on the Interconnection Agreement

Introduction of a new VIP

We introduce a new VIP at Eynatten 2, combining the interconnection points of Open Grid Europe, Fluxys TENP and Thyssengas. Fluxys Belgium is cooperating with all three German Transmission System Operators in order to conclude an amendment to the existing Interconnection Agreement to incorporate this new VIP.

As from 14 March until 14 May 2019, you were kindly invited to comment this amendment and the proposals regarding the following aspects of this Interconnection Agreement :

  • Rules for the matching process.
  • Rules for the allocation of gas quantities.
  • Communication procedures in case of exceptional events.

See also: 

Article 19 No.9 of COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2017/459
Introduction of a Virtual Interconnection Point or VIP.

Article 4 of the COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2015/703 of 30 April 2015
“Network Code on Interoperability and Data Exchange” describes the information obligations of TSOs with regards to the conclusion or the amendment of an interconnection agreement.